peEdexcel A Level

Why study Physical Education?

Physical Education links very closely to the growth of the Sports Science and leisure industries. It provides opportunities to learn and develop new physical and intellectual skills. We will study the physiology, psychology, social cultural and biomechanics of sport and use this information and knowledge to improve your practical performance or coaching ability.

What will I study?

In Unit 1 (Scientific principles of Physical Education) students will study applied “Anatomy and physiology” and “Exercise physiology and applied movement analysis”. Biomechanics is embedded into these topics too.

Unit 2 (Psychological and Social Principles of Physical Education) focuses on “Skill acquisition”, “Sport psychology” and “Sport and Society”.

In Unit 3 (Practical Performance) students will be assessed on their practical performance in one sport, of which they must compete in.

Unit 4 consists of the student producing a Performance Analysis and then developing a Performance Development Programme incorporating information learned from the previous 3 units as well as their own performance skills and knowledge.

How will I study?

Lessons will all be theory based with the expectation that students perform or coach in one sport of their choice outside of lessons.

How will I be assessed?

Unit 1 is an externally examined paper 2 hours 30 minutes long and is worth 40% of the qualification.

Unit 2 is an externally examined paper 2 hours long and is worth 30% of the qualification.

Unit 3 is internally assessed and is worth 15% of the qualification.

Unit 4 is internally assessed and is worth 15% of the qualification.

What are the entry requirements?

PE GCSE Grade 6 or above