Please also see our school uniform guidance page.

School ties (compulsory) and blazers (optional) should be ordered via our school uniform shop. Please note that school ties will be given out to students on their first day. You will need to order a tie in advance. If a blazer is ordered, please be aware it cannot be returned or exchanged as each one is made to order.

All other uniform should be ordered via, where you can select the items from our compulsory/optional range.  When you order the PE tops, do not click on the GCSE tops that ask for a name to be entered - these are for year 10 students only.

Students are expected to wear the correct uniform and footwear at all times. With regard to the appropriate footwear, please refer to this guide to see what will and won’t be acceptable. If in any doubt, then please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

If you experience any financial difficulty in purchasing uniform, please contact Deputy Headteacher Mrs Lewis – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. – in confidence.    

A Nearly New Uniform Sale will be held at the school in July in the Wallingford School Leisure Centre. Further details will be communicated beforehand.

If you have any queries regarding uniform or footwear, please contact Mrs Betteridge on 01491 – 829703 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.