Students holding various propsLast Friday was our Year 11 Celebration Day followed by the Prom in the evening and both events were simply fantastic. The day began with trails of traffic cones, superheroes, cartoon characters, dancers and cheerleaders – amongst many other outfits – approaching the school up St George’s Road and baffling passing members of the public or emerging delicately from buses and this was followed by time in tutor groups marking the end of five years together, lots of bouncing and grappling on bouncy castles and inflatables, a free ice cream and finally a wonderful final assembly full of humour, empathy and a sense of togetherness. Everyone then headed home to prepare for the evening when dramatic entrances were made in sports cars, limos, a bus and even on a horse. It was a great evening which culminated in a very sweaty disco and a good time was had by all.

My overall memory of a very long day is of that sense of togetherness within the year group and this is something we will all remember when we look back on their five years as a group at Wallingford School. Well done to everyone and a very big thankyou to the staff who made it all possible with their watertight organisation and planning. Today we say goodbye to our Year 13s with the promise of more outfits, probably some singing and a few more tears.

In other news in a shorter week, very well done to Year 8 on their approach to the start of their exams – they have conducted themselves very impressively. We have also been delighted to announce our new Year 12 Student Leadership Team who are now taking over the mantle of leading the student body from the Year 13 team who have led the school so impressively this year. Much more to follow on them but they have made an excellent impression so far which bodes well for the year ahead.

Yr11 leavers' day - students and staff in costume Student leaders