Here at Wallingford School, we have a designated team who help support our young carers which include Mrs Emmerson (Young Carers Lead) and Mr Keeling (SLT), our Heads of Year teams and our Safeguarding team.

A young carer is someone who is under the age of 18 and takes on a caring responsibility for someone at home. This will look very different for each student, but can be in the form of physical help, mental support, helping with medication or translating, or many more. This can also be for a parent/guardian, grandparent or sibling.

Our young carers support group meets every Wednesday lunchtime in B12 to discuss any worries or concerns they may have, to play games and to catch up with friends. We also have sixth form peer mentors who are in B12 every lunchtime for a chat and to help with any worries students have.

Young Carers Group image
Peer Supporter Poster

If you think that your child may be a young carer and does not already receive this support within school, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or ask your child to speak to their tutor.

Wallingford School are proud to have achieved the Young Carers in Schools Award, which recognises the support given to our wonderful young carers in school. Read more about this award here.

2024-2027 Young Carers in Schools award badge

If you would like additional support outside of school, please visit the website for Be Free Young Carers who offer support sessions, key workers for the family and fun organized trips:

BFYC Logo Colour with strap line

Our young carers policy can be downloaded here: