Group photo of students in the snowFrom 26th January to 2nd February, I took part in a French exchange to Oxford’s twin town, Grenoble. Three teachers and a group made up of Year 10s and 12s travelled by Eurostar, the Paris metro and the TGV, to meet with students and teachers from Wallingford’s partner school in Grenoble, Lycée Les Eaux Claires.

We spent a day with our host families, getting to know them and the area, on the Sunday. On Monday, we visited the French resistance memorial museum up in the Vercors mountains and took a walk in special snow shoes.

Tuesday and Wednesday were spent exploring Grenoble and speaking to the mayor, with an ice-skating trip with all our exchange partners on Wednesday afternoon.

Thursday morning was spent in the Lycée attending lessons with our exchange partners, whilst in the afternoon we climbed the Bastille and played escape games at the very top.

We travelled home on Friday after a very successful week in France. It was an incredible experience, and I would 100% recommend it to anyone who is considering going - you will not regret it.

- Alyssa Reeves, Year 12