We are tremendously proud this morning of all of our Year 13 students as they receive the results for their A Level and BTEC courses. The results are excellent and a tribute to their hard work, talent and ambition.

Destinations are wide and varied and almost all students have managed to secure a place at their institution of choice with students going on to study a fascinating mix of competitive courses at universities across the country. Equally, those who might be having a gap year or going into work-based training are very well-set for future applications and options.

We are particularly proud this morning of our group of students from Ukraine in this cohort. These young people joined our school in the spring of 2022 with little or no English and were completely unfamiliar with the education system in this country in addition to the significant trauma they were experiencing. They have all achieved impressively and now go on to further study having worked tremendously hard and brought much to our school community.

In summary, for the students in Year 13 this year:

 • 8% of all entries gained A* grades

• 24% of all entries gained A*-A grades

• 54% of all entries gained A*-B grades

• 97% of all entries gained A*-E grades

A huge thankyou must also go to the staff at Wallingford School who have supported these young people over the past two years and also to their families who have shared their journey for every step of the way.

Congratulations to each and every young person who has received their results today and we wish them well for their undoubtedly very bright and promising futures.