summer newsletter coverAs we break up for summer, our final newsletter of the academic year starts with Wallingford School alumni celebrating a 50th anniversary rowing victory, where the past meets the present. We also celebrate more recent victories amongst our student rowers - meet you all back here in 50 years to watch their anniversary row-past!

Just as we hope everyone will take care around rivers this holiday, there's a timely reminder to take care online too, with a report on the Digital Wellbeing Conference held at Merchant Taylors' Hall in May.

Why holiday abroad when you can read your way around the world? Preview some of the new library books, including Korean legends and manga heroes and villains. Talking of heroes and libraries, there's a report from our recent Human Careers Library and Futures Week.

Mr Bowen babbles on about Babble, the title of this year's art exhibition. Ignore that and enjoy the phenomenal student art, from the exhibition, the streets and shops of Wallingford, and a new perspective on Castle Meadows.

There's plenty of other student achievements, from maths challenges, a fundraising award, young carers award, and summer sporting results. And when it's too hot to read, there are plenty of photos: sand, sea and surfing from the Year 9 Residential; an orderly Kew Gardens; an orderly queue along the Swanage hills; staff screaming at Paultons Park; and the riot of colour and competition that is Sports Day.

Finally, the usual round-up of House news and results, with the staff tug-o'-war pulling this newsletter, and the year, to a close. Wishing you a safe and pleasant summer!