Students at Wallingford School are receiving their Key Stage 4 results this morning and we are very proud of them indeed. The results at headline levels are extremely strong and reflect the outstanding quality of teaching and learning and support at the school and the hard work, ability and commitment of the young people who have achieved them.

Beneath the headlines there are a great many individual stories of students who have excelled, be it with a string of top grades or who have achieved or exceeded their targets or overcome challenges or difficulties in their lives.

The headline figures in terms of grades for the 238 students in the year group are:

English 4+                               74%

Maths 4+                                 78%

English and Maths 4+           71%


English 5+                               62%

Maths 5+                                 63%

English and Maths 5+           54%

5 or more grade 7s                26%

A huge thankyou must also go to the all of the staff at Wallingford School who have supported these young people and also to their families who have been there with them for every step of the way. As ever, it has been a delight to see so many families and staff in school this morning to see the students collecting their results and to celebrate the moment with them.

Congratulations to each and every young person who has received their results today and we wish them well for their undoubtedly very bright and promising futures whether in the Sixth Form at Wallingford School or elsewhere.