Year 7 boys on their first dayIt has been a rather wet return to school but the enthusiasm, buzz and energy of the first few days back are always a joy to behold. I stood by the gate on St George’s Road on Thursday morning and had a smile and a “good morning” from over 500 hundred students and this is always one of the highlights of my year as they come rolling back to school a little bleary-eyed but looking forward to the year ahead.

In particular, I have to commend our new Year 7 students who have made an excellent first impression; indeed, as I said to them they may be the smartest Year 7 cohort I have ever seen and their manners and conduct have been immaculate. It has also been a pleasure to welcome a very large number of students who have joined in Year 12 from other schools. They are already quickly integrating into our largest ever Sixth Form year group and it is great to have them with us.

As ever at the start of the school year, we are reminding everyone of systems and introducing a couple of new innovations in school. Communication between school and home is always extremely important and I would like to highlight the following dates for the parent-tutor evenings which begin next week:

Monday 9th September                                               Year 7 Tutor Evening

Tuesday 10th September                                            Year 13 Tutor Evening

Wednesday 11th September                                       Year 10 Tutor Evening

Thursday 12th September                                           Year 12 Introductory Evening

Monday 16th September                                             Year 8 Tutor Evening

Wednesday 18th September                                       Year 9 Tutor Evening

Thursday 19th September                                           Year 11 Tutor Evening

These evenings are always extremely useful and encompass presentations about the year ahead from Heads of Year and senior staff and an opportunity to meet and talk with form tutors. The evenings take place initially in the school Hall at 6pm before moving to tutor rooms and we look forward to seeing parents and carers at them; for anyone who cannot attend the presentations will be shared on the school website.