Backstage crew at a school productionAs we get to the end of the first full week of the academic year, routines are being established and the school is busy and purposeful.

I have led assemblies this week and have highlighted to students the excellent examination results which our students achieved in the summer at A Level, BTEC and GCSE. I’ve also talked about the destinations of last year’s Year 13 students, showing some of the fascinating courses they are going on to study at universities and colleges across the country from Edinburgh to Exeter. I have then talked about attribute of “Being Kind” using a famous person as an example – as ever with assemblies, this is one to ask the student rather than me giving too much away. All of this was framed within our core school value of becoming Able and Qualified which runs through everything that we do as a school community and of which we are very proud.

It was a pleasure to attend the first meeting of the year of the Wallingford School Association (WSA) – our parent-teacher group - on Tuesday evening. The WSA has made a very significant contribution to the school over many years and for this year they are focused on raising funds to provide more outdoor seating for students at break and lunchtime. Families will be familiar with seeing members of the WSA providing refreshments at productions and concerts and this year they intend to continue this and also to hold a Quiz Night in the autumn and a range of other events. They are also engaging with Easy Fundraising which promises to provide opportunities to support the school through donations and more will follow on this. If parents and carers would like to find out more about joining or supporting the WSA, please follow our social media sites for updates. They are a very friendly and welcoming group and the support they provide for our school is hugely appreciated.

Probably the biggest news of the week in school has been the announcement of Joseph and His Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat being our school production this year. Details about auditions are being shared with students and I would encourage as many people as possible to get involved either on stage, in the band or in one of the many backstage roles which are available. It is going to be great.

Finally, it has been great to see so many people at our parent-tutor evenings this week and a reminder of the dates for next week:

Monday 16th September                                             Year 8 Tutor Evening

Wednesday 18th September                                       Year 9 Tutor Evening

Thursday 19th September                                           Year 11 Tutor Evening

These evenings are always extremely useful and encompass presentations about the year ahead from Heads of Year and senior staff and an opportunity to meet and talk with form tutors. The evenings take place initially in the school Hall at 6pm before moving to tutor rooms and we look forward to seeing parents and carers at them; for anyone who cannot attend the presentations will be shared on the school website.