Having delivered great results, year on year, for the first year in a long time many of us didn’t sleep well through August. So many subjects were changed radically, with such little support to deliver the reforms, that colleagues could be forgiven for worrying. Happily it turns out there was little to be concerned about on results day. Our targets are set to place us in the top 20% nationally for the value we add and we have exceeded them by a margin.

The families have done a wonderful job of supporting their children through such a tough year, the students have been remarkably resilient in the most turbulent year I have seen in 30 years of teaching but, for once, most credit goes to the staff. To attain such high standards, when told to start everything from scratch, shows terrific professionalism and care for the students. We should all tip our hats to them.

I am very proud of the staff here and happy for the students and the families who deserve to share in the celebration.

Number of pupils sitting exams (191)

% grade 4 and above in English (81%)

% grade 4 and above in Maths (80%)

Attainment 8 N/A

EBacc % entry (45) and % success (38)