Group standing in front of Vimy Ridge MemorialFirst day in Belgium.

A long day, after a very early start, but a really interesting one.

The main focus for today was a visit to Vimy Ridge - a significant battle site from April 1917. It was the first unequivocal success for the Allies - primarily the Canadians.

It was fascinating to walk through the preserved trenches to see just how close the enemy lines were - as close as 25 meters in some places, with massive craters in the ‘no man’s land’ area. We walked past the pockmarked landscape which had been shelled beyond recognition. 

We also went to the Vimy Ridge Memorial. A stunning limestone memorial to the 60,000 Canadians who perished, especially the more than 11,000 who’s bodies were never recovered.

The site has been bestowed to Canada by France so that those who never returned would forever rest in Canadian soil.

Very moving and poignant.

- Ms Walker

TreesPeople walking through a preserved trench