Why study Skills for Life?
The ASDAN award scheme is a nationally recognised certificated course. The aim of the programmes is to enable young people to understand themselves and others better and to become more prepared for making the transition to adult life. The world you are entering needs adults who are not only capable of acquiring and applying the necessary academic and occupational knowledge and skills, but flexible enough to adapt to the rapid changes taking place and equipped to make active and creative contributions to local, national and international community life.
What will I study?
These awards have been designed by practitioners as a means by which Key Skills can be developed, assessed and accredited, and personal achievements formally recognised, within the framework of the Progress File.
Challenges and activities will develop the following skills:
- Communication
- Working with others
- Improving own learning and performance
- Problem solving
You will be given a Progress File, which you complete in order to achieve the Bronze or Silver Award. You will have an increased sense of ownership and control of your own learning – vital in raising levels of motivation, achievement and self-esteem.
You will be able to:
- assess your own learning.
- set clear and achievable goals.
- identify, express and reflect on your own view of progress and development opportunities.
- summarise achievements and compile a portfolio of supporting evidence.
How will I study?
This is a module-based course and so is assessed through 100% coursework. You will choose from twelve modules, each with sub- sections that need to be evidenced. You will learn through a variety of tasks, for example, trips into Wallingford, providing help in the local community and visits from external agencies.
How will my work be assessed?
Your work will be assessed through the completion of your Progress File. When you have completed a task and gathered evidence your teacher will sign the section to show its completion. The aim is for you to complete up to Bronze level by the end of Year 10 and complete the Silver level in Year 11.
Please see Mr Choi or Mr Flanagan for more information.