Students stood with spadesIt has been a very busy week in school with Year 10 students starting their mock examinations and the usual diverse range of activities, trips and visits. This week has been Science Week in school with a range of activities going on including House competitions linked to Science. We have also marked House Pi Day with two challenges – the Baked Creation and Reciting Pi competition, both of which have generated great enthusiasm. House sports matches follow in football and netball before the end of term House assemblies with updated overall current points standings in the last week before the break for Easter.

We marked Young Carers’ Day on Wednesday and are tremendously proud of our Young Carers’ group and of the support which we have developed for them in school over the past couple of years. Assemblies this week have been explaining this provision and have also been about highlighting some inspiring female role models as part of our focus as a school on marking last Friday’s International Women’s Day – as ever with assemblies, I won’t add anything more but please do ask at home.

Another recent highlight in school has been welcoming the Chiltern Rangers to work with our student Biodiversity Development Team and Year 7 pathway class at the Pat Granados Biodiversity Area at the end of last week. Things continue to move forward with the space and the students were delighted to find the first newt that has been seen in the wetland area.

Finally, thank you to all of the parents and carers who completed our annual Parent and Carer Survey. As ever, there were lots of positives and a few things to develop and we will provide an overview of the data and some general trends before the end of term.