The sun has finally come out at the end of the final full week of the academic year and it is a very welcome appearance. Today during tutor time and PSHE we have a series of activities as the final part of this term’s House events, in addition to the House-themed non-uniform day, and it should all be great fun.

A highlight of the week has been our fantastic Art and Photography exhibition “Babble”. The range, quality and variety of the work displayed from our Year 11 and Year 13 students was nothing short of remarkable; around every corner of the exhibition there was something to surprise, to intrigue or simply to wonder at and all of this is due to the talent and hard work of our students and the support they have received from our staff. Very well done to all.

I have to also say a big “well done” to our Year 7 students as they approach the end of their first year at Wallingford School. They have made a great impression and this has been reinforced this week at the visits to Kew Gardens which they have thoroughly enjoyed.

It is a shorter week next week but please do keep an eye out for our end of term newsletter which is always a great read.