Geography on the beachThis week in school has seen the rhythm and routine of the school year being further established and the extra-curricular and enrichment life of the school really start to crank up with lots going on at lunchtimes and afterschool. There have been sports practices – with fixtures starting next week in boys’ rugby and girls’ football – clubs starting at lunchtimes, sign-ups for the school production of Joseph and his Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat and on Wednesday afternoon the Bigg Band was filling the Hall with its fantastic sound. There are lots of posters around school about clubs – perhaps most notably the ever-popular Art Club – and the Clubs and Activities Timetable for the year has just been finalised and is about to be shared with all members of the school community. There really is something for everyone and I would encourage all students to get involved.

Our superb programme of trips and visits has also now started with the Year 13 Geography students in Wales working on their Geography coursework and the Year 11 History trip to Berlin departing today. Lots more to follow next week across English, DT and Politics.

Our Year 7 students continue to make a fantastic impression and it has been a particular pleasure to see them enjoying the Merry Wanderers transition project bringing alive “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” – well done to all and we very much look forward to the production. A particular thanks must go to the Merchant Taylors’ Company for their support with this great opportunity.

Finally, thankyou to all of the families who have been able to attend the Parent-Tutor evenings over the past couple of weeks. If you were unable to or wish to check any information then the presentations are available under each year group on the school website under the Parents – Year Groups tab.

Merry Wanderers with Year 7sYear 7s with Merry Wanderers
These photos courtesy of the Bright Torches team and Jørn Tomter