It has been straight back to business this week after the half-term holiday with dance workshops, sports fixtures, poetry recitals, visits to Wembley and the theatre amongst other things. It’s also been great to see all of the photos from the ski trips and the visit to Morocco over the break and to talk with the students about what a good time they had.
A significant development in school has been that work has begun on the new six classroom modular block which will house our Art and Photography lessons moving forward. The designs look very exciting and include a kiln and a dark room. We expect the classrooms to be completed by the end of May and will keep everyone updated on developments. We have also had confirmation from the Department for Education that planning for the School Rebuilding Programme will begin later this year and this is an exciting development in the years to come as the site is upgraded.
It is the time of year when we ask families to complete our annual Parent and Carer survey. An email with more information and the link to participate will come direct from our SurveyMonkey account. Thank you in advance for your time in completing the survey which always provides us with good points to consider and act upon.
Finally, thankyou to everyone who was able to contribute to support the non-uniform day in aid of local organization Farmability on the Friday before the half-term break. Over £1600 was raised which is simply fantastic and greatly appreciated.