Spring feels like it has arrived and there is a huge amount going on in – and out of – school. In school, lessons are focused and purposeful and it is a genuine joy to walk around during the day and see our students thriving; with the lighter evenings there are lots of fixtures and it is brilliant to see our students competing against other schools and enjoying their sport. Out of school, there have been a number of trips this week with highlights including the ever-popular Stars visit to Silverstone and a first visit for our Year 13 artists to the Slade School of Fine Art –we must thank the Merchant Taylors’ Company for their support with this exceptional opportunity.
As a school community we could not operate without the support of volunteers and I would like to thank two bodies whose contributions are vital to our school’s life. Firstly, our school Governors who provide hours of their time, a great deal of expertise and a real sense of moral purpose and duty to Wallingford School. It was great to welcome them in to school last Wednesday so that they could see a full school day “in action”. They were very impressed by what they saw in lessons and by the students and staff they spoke with, and I would like to emphasise how much we appreciate the part they play in our school. Equally, Thursday evening saw a meeting of the Wallingford School Association – our school’s PTA – and the WSA, with funds they raised, are now able to purchase new outdoor picnic tables for students to use at break and lunchtime, which will be a great addition to our school. All of those involved in both bodies give their time freely and generously to our school and I would like to thank them for that – it is appreciated.
Finally, we would like to encourage as many parents and carers as possible to complete our annual Parent and Carer Survey – emails with a link have already been sent out and the feedback is very helpful as we continue to plan and develop our provision. Thank you in advance for doing so and to all of those people who have already completed the survey.