We are in the process of reviewing a couple of our structures within school and would appreciate feedback from parents and carers.
The first area is our policy on mobile phones and devices. Our current procedure is that they are not to be seen in lessons unless students are invited to use them by a member of staff. It is certainly true that the ability to take a photograph or use the internet to research a topic can be helpful to learning; it is also fortunately the case that we very rarely have a concern with the use of mobile phones and devices in lessons – our students are responsible and sensible and this should be recognised. Before and after school and at breaks and lunchtimes students can use mobile phones and devices around the school and we would appreciate parents and carers’ thoughts about this as we plan moving forward.
The second area we are reviewing is the structure of our school day. There is no proposal to change the length of lessons but we are considering reducing the length of lunchtimes to perhaps 45 minutes. It is now very unusual to have a 60 minute lunch break in schools and there is a feeling amongst staff that the last 15 minutes can drift somewhat. It is of course essential for everyone to get their lunch, have a break and socialise and in many cases have a run around to expend some energy. However, it could be argued that 45 minutes is ample time in which to do this and this is where we would also appreciate some thoughts. If we were to alter the length of lunchtimes then we would need to consider the overall timings of the school day and a consequence may well be that we finish the school day either 10 or 15 minutes earlier. This would certainly be advantageous for fixtures, practices and rehearsals, particularly in the winter months.
Both of these aspects of the school are genuinely open to consultation so This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. through. We will also be talking to representative groups from the student body about these areas and their thoughts will also inform our planning moving forward.
(If you would like to get in touch about the matters above, please send emails to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)