We often talk in school about the “beyond the classroom” aspect of our core ethos of our young people becoming Able and Qualified and the past week has seen some great examples of this.
Firstly, a big “well done” to over 120 Year 9 students who participated in their Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme Bronze expedition last weekend. The weather was somewhat “fresh” and the walking routes were up to 22km over the two days but everyone enjoyed the experience hugely and will have gained much from it – not least the challenges of assembling the tents and outdoor cooking. Thank you also to the hardy staff who supported them so brilliantly over the weekend.
The second aspect linked to outdoor learning and personal development has been the launch this week of a World Challenge expedition to Norway for students in our current Year 10 upwards in 2024. This is a new venture for the school and has already generated a huge amount of interest which bodes well for other expeditions for future generations of Wallingford students.
Our Year 10 students have been attending their Work Experience placements this week and it has been great to hear the stories and see the photos of them coming in. By its very definition it is a wonderfully formative experience for a young person and the way in which all of our students have embraced it has been so very impressive.
Lastly, a big thank you to our Gardening Club for all of their work in the Courtyard Garden at chilly lunchtimes over the past few months – amongst much else, the tulips have flowered and are a blaze of colour.