Extracurricular News

The Young Enterprise team went to Templars Square Shopping Centre, Cowley, for their first trade fair as part of the Young Enterprise Company Programme.

They were very successful in their sales of hand crafted wooden pens. They sold much more of their main product than expected, and completely sold out of their "twig pens". They also received the award for most ethically sourced product.

It was a great first time and they had some useful feedback to improve on the next trade fair in March.

Read the Oxford Mail story.

Many thanks to the Merchant Taylors' Company for their annual School Photography Competition. Our students were asked to submit photographs under the theme of "Community".

There were a number of good entries, shown below. The winner was Sophie, Year 11, with her photograph, "Community Spirit".

(Click images to view larger.)

Community Spirit Sophie t

Winner - Sophie - Year 11

Community Spirit

St Irene's children's community and friendship, Nasio Trust Charity, Kenya - October 2016

Outside the Box Albert t Our Growing Community Grace t

Albert - Year 7

Outside the Box

A community café employing people with learning disabilities in Ilkley, Yorkshire

Grace - Year 7

Our Growing Community

This represents a community supporting each other throughout life. As should we.

Natures Family Sophia t Rainbow Tortoises Harriet t

Sophia - Year 7

Nature's Family

Community is nature's greatest defence!

Harriet - Year 9

Rainbow Tortoises

Hand-crafted tortoises found at local craft fair.

Believe Rosanna t The Girl Dan t

Rosanna - Year 10


You don't need a reason to help people.

Dan - Year 12

The Girl

Popular places induce a harmonious community of races.

Community of Birds Genna t Merchant Taylor Logo t

Genna - Year 13

Community of Birds