Extracurricular News

C’était fantastique!! In fact, those words don’t even sum up how amazing our trip to Dieppe was. It was an early start to drive to Dover, but the sea views were all worth it as I caught a brilliant glimpse of France and England before we arrived at the port of Calais. Off to the bakery in Wierre-Effroy, where I bought some delicious honey croissants and pain au chocolat and got to practise speaking French in a different environment. Plus tard, we arrived at our hostel, ate dinner and went down to the beach. The sunset was so picturesque, meaning lots of photo opportunities and we skimmed stones (or I at least tried to) as the tide drifted in. What a perfect beginning to our trip!!


I woke up excited for the first full day to come and, full of our petit-déjeuner, we walked down the beach where Operation Jubilee museum was. Before we entered most of us were unaware of the attack on Dieppe, but the museum explained it all clearly. My favourite part came later, when we arrived at the swimming pool; it was like no pool I had ever seen before and I didn’t know what to do first. There were slides, whirlpools, lazy rivers and diving boards galore. The time went so fast I just did not want it to end.


For our second day, we travelled to Pavilly, a picturesque little market town one hour away from Dieppe. I had been saving my money for this. As we walked past stalls full of olives, sausages and more, my bag was getting heavier by the minute. On our way back, we visited the Canadian cemetery, where we stopped and looked at all the soldiers and heroes who gave their lives for us. I was heartbroken to see that some of the graves of soldiers weren’t even named. L’après-midi, we went shopping in the streets of Dieppe. We went around les rues, our shopping bags brimming over with goodies, my purse getting emptier.


Packing my suitcase was sad and now a lot heavier, as we tidied our room for inspections and spent the rest of the evening playing table tennis and other games. One last visit to the beach or watching the football game before going to bed for the final time. Although excited to get home and tell my family all about my trip, I did not want to go home as I had had such fun. So I have made up my mind to come and live in Dieppe when I am older. But we packed up and travelled to the hypermarket, Auchan in Boulogne, leaving Dieppe behind us. Au revoir Dieppe, nous nous sommes trés bien amusés.

The hypermarket brought back some fond memories from last year and this time I knew exactly where to find the sweets and chocolate. So we made our way home after such an amazing trip. Thank you to everyone who made this trip so fun and enjoyable. Thank you to all the teachers who took us on this great trip; we hope you have all recovered!!!!

- Ella, Year 8


This week, many Year 9 students are spending the week at Kilvrough, Yenworthy and Woodlands activity centres. During their stay, they get a chance to abseil, surf, go caving, canoeing and take part in many other activities, learning to work as a team and overcome certain fears.

We heard from a few girls at the Kilvrough site:

"Overall the first few days have been very eventful and challenging. For me, I think abseiling was the most daunting activity because I am terrified of heights. However, I was able to overcome this and complete the task. Afterwards, I was so proud of myself and continued to complete the climbing task too." - Jessie

"On the first night we completed an orienteering task which was really good fun and allowed us to explore the grounds independently. The tasks have allowed us to work as a team - I already feel like we have bonded as a group. During the abseiling today, everyone was really encouraging and helped me do it even though I was scared. I was very proud of myself and felt I could look forward to the rest of the week now." - Gemma

"Today we went climbing and abseiling on the coast. On my way there I told myself I wouldn't abseil but once we arrived the encouragement from my team convinced me to do it and I am extremely happy I did because it has made me more confident and comfortable around my team mates." - Abi

Last week, some of our Year 7 students visited PGL Liddington for a couple of days' residential. Here are some of their thoughts on the trip:

My favourite activity was archery because it was really fun and interesting. We also did rock climbing, zipline and the crate challenge. One thing I am proud of is that I am not afraid of heights anymore after the trip. I also really enjoyed the trip because I didn’t have to do any school work!

- Conor


We went on a PGL trip last week and I really enjoyed all of the activities but my top two were the giant swing and the climbing wall. I was really happy when I did the giant swing because at first I was really nervous so my first go I went only half way up. It was awesome and I was really pleased that I did it so I had another go but this time I went a bit higher up and I was even more pleased.

I also liked the climbing. I thought it would be fine but when I was half way through I thought actually this is a bit scary! But I got to the top confidently and I even had another go! The activities were all really fun.  It helped me with teamwork and confidence building and I’m glad I went.

- Jonathan


Around a week ago, we went to PGL in Liddington to relieve some stress before exams. Liddington is in North Wiltshire near where I started an 18 mile walk once, so I found it a relief to be near somewhere that I knew.

There were a lot of outdoor activities - predominantly including heights which I am petrified of; it definitely took me out of my comfort zone. However, not all the activities involved heights which comforted me because I knew I’d be able to do some things confidently.

On completion of the climbing wall, I felt glowing pride through me. I was in tears but I think they may have been tears of happiness. I remember everyone cheering me on as I rang the bell at the top of the tower to signal that I’d finished.

I particularly enjoyed the food because there was a wide variety to choose from and there wasn’t an overly large queue. There was a salad bar on the side which you could take as much from as you wanted, and there were lots of condiments as well.

One of my favourite activities was archery because it involved precision and there was lots of competition. I had done archery before but I wasn’t sure when. I also felt extremely confident because I felt safe close to the ground.

In the evenings, we also did activities. They consisted of wacky races and a 'disco'. Wacky races was where we did races out in the quad but they had a twist - a lot of them were moves I recognised from gymnastics. We had a couple of games of tag afterwards because we had some spare time. The 'disco' turned out to be a game of cricket with disco music in the background.

Overall, I enjoyed PGL because it gave me a chance of freedom and a break from lessons.

- Rachel

J15 rowing team

Congratulations to Wallingford School students Amelia, Anna, Freya, Lily, Olivia and ex-student Liberty for their big win at Marlow Regatta on Saturday - the girls are part of the J15 rowing team at Wallingford Rowing Club.

This win was a huge achievement by the girls who have been rowing and training hard all year and won with a very comfortable lead against City of Oxford Rowing Club in the final.

Well done all!

The Kennel Club has recently announced Team GB for the European Agility Champs to be held in July in the Netherlands.

We are really pleased to say that Rory, Year 9 and his dog Sonic have been selected for the huge privilege of representing Great Britain for the 3rd year running - well done Rory!