Art education benefits both the pupil and society. It benefits the pupil as it cultivates the whole child, gradually building many varieties of literacy while developing intuition, reasoning, imagination, and dexterity into unique forms of expression and communication. We see the Arts as a journey not just a destination. This process requires not merely an active mind but also a trained one. Arts education also helps students by initiating them into a variety of ways of perceiving and thinking – a crucial component in the development of the essential skills for the 21st Century. Pupils will learn and experience from a variety of 2D and 3D materials, techniques and processes alongside studying a range of artists, designers and craftspeople.

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KS3 Art

Year 7

Term 1 - Passport Project

Formal elements, dot and line, accuracy and range of tones in shoe drawing, accuracy of painting and colour mixing.

Term 2 - Colour Wheel

Accuracy of handling a paintbrush, accuracy of colour mixing, understanding of colour theory and application of colour theory.

Term 3 - Kandinsky Project, Artist Research, Printmaking

Understanding of colour kinaesthesia, formal elements of shape and line, watercolour application and use of collagraph.

Term 4 - Observational Drawing

Understanding of observational drawing, use of line, composition, use of tone and variety of mark-making. Investigation of mark-making in ceramics.

Term 5 - Ceramic Owl Project

Use of mark-making in drawings, exploring ideas through design and drawing, use of ceramic techniques (pinch pot, ceramic addition and ceramic subtraction), accurate application of paint.

Term 6 - Hundertwasser

Understanding of Hundertwasser’s use of line and shape, accuracy of copied drawings, imaginative use of colour theory and line, accurate and meaningful use of collage.

Year 8

Term 1 - Portraits

Understanding what a portrait is, understanding and use of proportion in portraits, application of a variety of tones using pencil, application of a variety of tones using chalk and charcoal, understanding of continuous line, application of wire to make a drawing, accurate and imaginative use of photography to recreate a famous portrait painting.

Term 2 - Portraits, Cubism, Ceramics

Understanding of cubist theory, understanding and use of proportion in portraits, imaginative application of line and colour to design a ceramic relief portrait, use of ceramic techniques (slab building, ceramic addition and ceramic subtraction), accurate application of paint.

Term 3 - Art Around the World

Basic understanding of Australian Aboriginal culture/art theory, accurate and imaginative application of Australian Aboriginal painting techniques, understanding of symbols, exploring ideas through design and drawing. Basic understanding of Japanese Anime culture and introduction to basic Anime techniques. Exploration of Indian Mehndi designs, understanding of pattern and symbolism.

Term 4 - Observational Drawing

Understanding of Observational drawing, use of line, composition, use of tone and variety of mark-making. Use of pen drawing techniques.

Term 5 - Animal Project

Accurate and imaginative use of collage, accurate use of line, composition and tone to copy collage, understanding of monoprint theory, application of monoprint.

Term 6 - David Hockney

Artist research into Hockney, understanding of Hockney’s varied styles, accurate use of coloured pencil, imaginative and informed design for final painting, relevant use of photography to explore landscape theme, Accuracy of handling a paintbrush, accuracy of colour mixing, understanding of colour theory and application of colour theory.

Year 9

Term 1 - Observational Drawing

Understanding of varied use of drawing techniques, use of line, composition, use of tone and variety of mark-making, use of pen drawing techniques, use of bracelet drawing, hatching, cross-hatching and stippling.

Term 2 - Paul Klee

Artist research into Klee, understanding of ‘taking a line for a walk’, accurate use of coloured pencil, imaginative use of colour for lettering, accuracy of handling a paintbrush, accuracy of watercolour mixing, understanding of colour theory and formal elements (shape, line).

Term 3 - Pop Art

Artist research into Lichtenstein, imaginative and exploratory responses to Lichtenstein’s work, understanding of Pop Art characteristics, accurate copy of complex image, understanding of linocut theory, application of linocut theory.

Term 4 - Coil Pots

Understanding of variety of uses for ceramics, ceramic coil pot theory, imaginative application of ceramic coil pot theory for a design, production of accurate and supported coil pot.

Term 5 - Graffiti

Understanding of Graffiti theory and styles, accurate drawings of three main styles, accurate application of coloured pencil, imaginative and informed design for final outcome, accurate and attractive application of graffiti concepts in final design. Artist research into Banksy, accurate drawing and application of coloured pencil in reproductions of Banksy, imaginative design for a Banksy-style stencil, accurate stencil-cutting, successful application of stencil.

Term 6 - Kate Malone

Artis research into Kate Malone and Peter Randall-Page. Observational drawings of natural forms, also monoprinting, collage and mixed media techniques.


Year 10

Term 1 - Natural Forms

Drawing, watercolour, acrylic painting, collage, monoprinting and introduction to mounting techniques and coursework presentation.

Term 2 - Portraiture (Matisse)

Artist research, drawing, acrylic painting.

Terms 3 & 4 - Everyday Objects

Artist research, photography, drawing, acrylic painting.

Terms 5 & 6 - Portraiture (Pop Art)

Artist research, drawing, acrylic painting.

Year 11

Terms 1 & 2 - Identity (Mock Exam)

Terms 3-5 - GCSE Art Exam

BTEC Art & Design

Year 12

Terms 1 & 2 - Library Project

Terms 3, 4 & 5 - Rainforest Project

Term 6 - Metamorphosis Project

Year 13

Terms 1 & 2 - Metamorphosis Project

Terms 3, 4 & 5 - External exams