At Wallingford we aim to provide our students with opportunities to become flexible thinkers and confident Mathematicians. We do this by allowing time to practise arithmetic skills, allowing students to become fluent with number. We emphasise the importance of acquiring knowledge and being able to recall it through frequent, low-stakes quizzes. Students are asked to apply their knowledge to problems that require multiple steps to reach a solution. We want our students to express themselves clearly, through contributions in class and their written work.
Tap headings to expand.
KS3 Mathematics
Year 7
Term 1
- Algebra - simplifying, expressions, substitution (directed numbers and powers), solving equations, forming equations
- Angles - measuring and drawing, angle facts, calculating missing angles with reasons. Problem solving forming and solving angle facts.
- Ratio - writing, simplifying, sharing, writing as a fraction
Term 2
- Using a Calculator
- Co-ordinates, vertical and horizontal lines, tables of values, plotting graphs, y=mx+c
- Transformations - reflection, rotation and translation - doing and describing
Term 3
- Data handling - mean, median, mode, range, mean from a table, drawing/interpreting bar charts, scatter graphs, pictograms, pie charts
- Fractions - writing, simplifying, mixed and improper, calculations of amounts and problem solving
- Properties of number
Term 4
- Fractions, decimals, percentages
- Percentages (non-calculator)
- Calculations
- Area, volume, surface area
Term 5
- Inequalities (Algebra recap)
- Sequences
- Rounding and Estimating
Term 6
- Roman Numerals and Time
- Probability
- Constructions of triangles
Year 8
Term 1
- Fractions
- Algebra - expressions, simplifying, expanding, factorising, substitution, solving equations, problem solving
- Sequences
- Fractions, decimals and percentages
- Percentages
Term 2
- Co-ordinates and graphs
- Rounding and estimating
- Transformations - reflection, rotation and translation
Term 3
- Data - mean, median, mode, range, mean from a table, estimated mean, pie charts
- Angles
- Using a Calculator
Term 4
- Properties of Number
- Pythagoras' Theorem
- Calculations
- Area, surface area, volume
Term 5
- Inequalities (Algebra recap)
- Ratio and proportion - including fractions-decimals-percentages and ratio problems
Term 6
- Probability
- Constructions - triangles, bisectors
- Algebra recap
- Straight line graph recap
Year 9
Term 1
- Ratio and proportion
- Angles
- Straight line graphs
- Algebra
Term 2
- Measurements and conversion - including graphs
- Rounding and estimation and using a calculator
- Standard form
- Enlargements
Term 3
- Fractions
- Properties of Number
- Percentages
- Data
Term 4
- Data (continued)
- Pythagoras (Trigonometry)
- Area, Volume, surface area
Terms 5
- Inequalities (Algebra recap)
- Calculations
- Compound measures
- Sequences
Term 6
- Revision
- Probability and logic and sets
- Straight line graph recap
GCSE Mathematics
Year 10
Term 1
- Expressions and formulas
- Solving equations (including simultaneous - 5+ target only)
- Quadratics - 5+ target only
- Rounding and estimation - 3-6 target only
- Types of number and Standard Index Form - 3-4 target only
Term 2
- Rounding and estimation - 7+ target only
- Types of number and Standard Index Form
- Error intervals (and bounds - 5+ target only)
- Transformations
- Straight Line Graphs
- Data
Term 3
- Scale & units of measure (incl. speed, density)
- Revision
- Fractions, decimals and percentages
Term 4
- Ratio & Proportional thinking
- Similarity
- Pythagoras' Theorem and Trigonometry
Term 5
- Perimeter and area of 2D shapes
- Volume and surface area
- Sequences
Term 6
- Angles and problem solving
- Further Trigonometry (5+ target only)
- Venns and set notation
- Properties of shape, plans and elevations (3-4 target only)
Year 11
Term 1
- Functions
- Inequalities
- Real life graphs - 3-6 target only
- Surds - 7+ target only
- Iteration - 5-9 target only
- Bearings, constructions and loci
- Vectors
Term 2
- Real life graphs - 7+ target only
- Circle Theorems - 7+ target only
- Higher Algebra and proof - 7+ target only
- Probability
- Revision
Term 3
- Advanced graphs
Terms 4, 5 and 6
- Revision and exams
A Level Mathematics
Year 12
Term 1
- Algebraic expressions - basic algebraic manipulation, indices, surds
- Quadratics - factorising, solving, graphs and the discriminant
- Equations and inequalities - quadratic / linear simultaneous, linear and quadratic inequalities
- Graphs and transformations - cubic, quartic and reciprocal graphs, transforming graphs - f(x) notation
- Straight line graphs - Parallel / perpendicular lines, length and area problems
- Circles - equations of a circle, geometric problems on a grid
Term 2
- Algebraic methods - algebraic division, factor theorem and proof
- Binomial expansion - understand and use (ax+b)n and find unknown
- Differentiation - differentiating polynomials, second derivates, gradients, tangents, normals, maxima and minima
- Integration - integration of xn, definite integrals, area under curves
- Vectors - calculate magnitude and direction, multiply by scala, add and subtract, distance between two points
Term 3
- Modelling in mechanics
- Constant acceleration - kinematics, derive SUVAT
- Forces and motion - concept of force, Newton's laws, connected particles
- Variable acceleration - displacement, velocity, acceleration, use differentiation, integration and calculus to solve kinematic problems
Term 4
- Vectors
- Trigonometric identities and ratio
- Exponentials and logarithms - know and use ax, ex, log laws, inverse functions
- Representations of data - histograms, cumulative frequency, box plots
- Mean, mode, median, percentiles, range, variance, SD and coding
- Correlation - scatter diagrams, coefficient of regression
Term 5
- Probability - Venn, mutually and independent events, tree diagrams
- Statistical distributions - discrete probability distributions, binomial distribution - individual and cumulative
- Hypothesis testing - samples, critical values, binomial-one and two tailed
- Radians
Term 6
- Trig functions
- Algebraic methods
- Binomial expansion
Year 13
Term 1
- Functions and graphs
- Sequences and series
- Trigonometry and modelling
- Differentiation
Term 2
- Integration
- Regression, correlation and hypothesis testing
- Conditional probability
- Normal distribution
- Numerical methods
Term 3
- Parametric equations
- Vectors
- Moments
- Forces and friction
- Projectiles
Term 4
- Application of forces
- Further kinematics
Terms 5 & 6
- Revision
- Exams
A Level Further Mathematics
Core Pure Mathematics
- Complex Numbers
- Argand Diagrams
- Series
- Roots of Polynomials
- Volumes of Revolutions
- Matrices
- Linear Transformations
- Proof by Induction
- Vectors
- Methods in Calculus
- Polar Coordinates
- Hyperbolic Functions
- Methods in Differential Equations
- Modelling with Differential Equations
Decision Mathematics
- Algorithms
- Graphs and Networks
- Algorithms on Graphs
- Route Inspection
- The Travelling Salesman Problem
- Linear Programming
- The Simplex Algorithm
- Critical Path Analysis
Further Mechanics
- Momentum and Impulse
- Work, Energy and Power
- Elastic Strings and Springs
- Elastic Collisions in One Dimensions
- Elastic Collisions in Two Dimensions